PES 2013, short form of Pro Evolution Soccer released a new patch called PESEdit Patch 3.5. By installing the patch you will enjoy playing their 2013 pace. Department official called PESEdit patch and most prestigious group offers popular game in the Pro Evolution Soccer or PES are summarized. Every year with the arrival of the new version of the game, it also provided a patch in order to complete and improve the condition and minimize weaknesses are playing. These patches have a specific time in a week, possibly 2 or 3 months, even a patch, the patch is not available. Now, the group that version 3.5 is the latest patch for the game PES 2013 have been released.
Minimum RequirementOperating System : Windows vista or 7 (Recommended)Ram : 2 GBHard Disk : 6 GB free.Graphics : Nvidia 512 MB graphics or ATI equivalentGraphics Memory : Direct X 9 supported.Proceed to Direct Links